The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes
The Wise Hippo Programme is 12 – 14 hours of teaching and relaxation, in four sessions lasting 2 ½ to 3 hours each. Including a free breastfeeding class. You’ll receive a comprehensive handbook and ten audio MP3s to enjoy at home and support your practice, access to the Wise Hippo Hub and library with over 100 videos and ongoing support from Joanna, experienced Midwife, clinical hypnotherapist and Hypnobirthing practitioner.
Regular Wise Hippo Sussex gatherings are held for all to enjoy; there’s always plenty of home-baked cakes and refreshments.

Class One
- The influences on childbirth
- Defining Hypnosis and the use of trance
- Acknowledging Pain
- The Physiology of Birth and the Impact of Fear
- Mind / Body connection
- The Impact of Others
- Taking charge of your thoughts
Class Two
- What is Relaxation?
- Positions for Relaxation
- Remember to breathe
- Waves of relaxation to support your surges
- Time Distortion
- Anchoring
- Birth Partner’s Script
- Establishing a practice routine
Class Three
- Prenatal bonding
- Exploring your choices for birth
- Alternative options for promoting comfort
- Nurturing your birth environment
- Natural nudges of encouragement for your baby
- Writing your birth plan and making your birth choices
- Physical preparations for birth
- The mirror mantra
- Fear release session
Class Four
- Soothing strokes and the power of positive touch
- Positions for birth – Active Birth
- Ligaments and pelvis
- Humming your baby down – birthing your baby
- Birth partner’s role
- Using the techniques during labour
- When baby arrives
- Sea of Serenity – Birth Hypnosis session
- Your practice and preparation diary
Class Five - Breastfeeding
The breastfeeding class will prepare you and your family for the skill of breastfeeding . You will feel confident and be provided with the most up to date and evidenced-based practice. Since 2000 I have been supporting families in their fourth trimester and breastfeeding journey. A breastfeeding relaxation will also be included for you to enjoy.
The cost of the group course is £250 per couple, each group consisting of no more than seven couples. This guarantees I can provide individual support and guidance to each couple during the course and afterwards.
Group courses are held in the light, spacious and comfortable Bramble Hall in Balcombe, West Sussex, and delicious refreshments including home-baked cakes are supplied for you and your birthing partner.
If you and your birth partner prefer to attend the course privately, the cost is £450. I can run it either in an airy, cosy room in my own home or, if you prefer, I’m happy to come to you though I may have to apply a mileage fee to cover my transport depending on where you live.
The best time to start the programme is from 21 weeks as this gives you plenty of time to practise the tools and techniques. You’ll then be able to enjoy them during your pregnancy and look forward to the birth of your baby since the course will help you remain calm and relaxed in everyday life. Even if you’re in your third trimester The Wise Hippo Sussex will be just as beneficial for you and your baby.
You are welcome to listen to and enjoy our free ‘Calm and Relaxed MP3’ to relax you and give you a taster of the Wise Hippo MP3s that I provide on the course. To download this MP3 simply right click on the link and save link as.

The Wise Hippo believes a positive birth experience is a state of mind rather than being defined by what happens during labour and birth. It’s about how a woman and her partner feel about the baby’s birth. Because of this belief, I can share skills and knowledge that empower women and birth partners to trust their instincts and have a positive pregnancy and birth experience.
I respect every woman has the right to choose the birth she wants for her baby or babies, whatever that may be, and I trust my clients know what’s right for them. There is no one correct way to give birth with The Wise Hippo Sussex, only the best way for each individual mother and her baby or babies. I use my experience and expertise as a clinical hypnotherapist to provide you with tools and techniques to have a positive birth experience.
My clients leave the course feeling excited, empowered and confident they have the tools and techniques to remain calm, relaxed and in control throughout their pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond.